To Me, Safety is More than Just a Hop, Skip and Drive

March 22, 2021

Last month, I was featured in a blog post highlighting the stories of seven women who have made lasting contributions to educational equity through transportation solutions. I was humbled and honored! The blog was written by Aylin Cook for HopSkipDrive as part of a Women’s History Month celebration.

HopSkipDrive is a mission-driven organization that has grown in its six years of existence to include a network of CareDrivers who work in many states, including Texas.

I am proud to serve on HopSkipDrive’s Safety Advisory Board. But transportation safety isn’t about me being honored or serving on an advisory board. Transportation safety is about people from diversified backgrounds working together to keep people safe on our roads. The people I serve with on HopSkipDrive’s Advisory Board share a passion and commitment to safety and adhere to a set of core values:

These are values that speak to transportation safety and that we can all strive to reach in our everyday lives. Sure, speeding, distracted driving and impaired driving need to be addressed in transportation safety circles. But transportation safety is so much more than the challenge of conquering driver behavior issues. I view transportation safety as if it were a giant jigsaw puzzle, and I know it takes a lot of work to put all the pieces together.

One of the pieces that so often is overlooked is transportation safety for our vulnerable road users, including children who are present on our roads during peak morning and evening travel times. They are out there walking, bicycling or riding on school buses as you head to-and-from the office. They are small and not easily seen. This presents a safety risk for all.

In 2015, three working moms launched HopSkipDrive because they were looking for alternative ways to shuttle their kids to school and other activities. Now, the organization contracts with school districts and service agencies around the country so no one gets left behind.

 When we work to ensure children get where they are going in one piece, we are fulfilling a critical safety need and opening a pathway for our next generation of leaders to explore. When we lead with road safety, whether it’s in the workplace or anywhere else, we can reduce crash risks. We can also make lasting differences in the lives of people from all walks. That’s my motivation. What is yours?

Lisa Robinson is a senior program manager with the National Safety Council

September 2024 – 100 Deadliest Days End

September 6, 2024

Memorial Day weekend marked the beginning of the 100 Deadliest Days which have now come to a close with Labor Day weekend. In the traffic safety world, this time period is known for a spike in roadway fatalities, particularly among younger drivers. A lot of this is simply due to the increased numbers of younger […]

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Girl fixing her shoes on at the crosswalk

August 2024 Back to School

August 27, 2024

A AAA study found that the risk of severe injury for a pedestrian hit by a vehicle is about 25% at 23 mph, and jumps to 50% at 31 mph. A 25% increase in risk from a difference of only 8 mph. As students return to school, school zones and surrounding neighborhoods can expect to […]

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July 2024 Speeding Awareness

July 23, 2024

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) launched an anti-speeding campaign in July, and throughout the country, many law enforcement agencies conducted high enforcement campaigns in their own jurisdictions. Nationally, speeding accounts for about 1/3 of all roadway fatalities, and early 2023 data attributes 39 fatal crashes to speed in Nebraska alone. According to the […]

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